【同义词辨析】 2020-04-17 尊重regard-admire
regard: is a general term that is usually qualified: he is not highly ~ed in the profession.
(qualify最常用的意思是有资格合格to satisfy a standard,这里表示语法上的修饰限定to describe another word in a particular way,如in "the open door", "open" is an adjective qualifying "door",open是修饰door的形容词,另外还表示"具体说明,使语气缓和": to add something to a previous statement to make the meaning less strong or less general,如I want to qualify what I said earlier─I didn't mean he couldn't do the job, only that he would need supervision我想具体说明一下我原先的话——我没有说他不能胜任这工作,只是说他需要监管) (regard有5个意思都很常用 1、看待认为to think of or look at in a particular way,如she regards him as a friend她把他看作朋友,如he regards himself as a patriot他自认为是个爱国者,如she is widely regarded as the current leader's natural successor人们普遍认为她是现任领导的当然继任者,如the police officer regarded us with suspicion警官怀疑地看着我们 2、关心关注to care or concern for,如he has no regard for my feelings他不关心我的感受,如the company acted without regard for the safety of its workers公司不关心员工安全,如she was hired without regard to race, age, or gender她被录用与种族年龄性别无关 3、尊重respect or admiration,如I have a great regard for your ability我对你的能力表示十分尊重,如I have the highest regard for her我对她十分尊重,如his work is held in high regard[=is highly respected]人们十分尊重他的工作,如he is highly regarded by his coworkers[=his coworkers admire and respect him]同事对他很尊重 4、问候friendly greetings,如give/send them my warm/kind regards[=tell them I am thinking of them]请送上我诚挚/良好的问候[=告诉他们我想念他们],常用在书信结尾,如I look forward to seeing you soon. Regards, Jason诚挚的问候 5、关于relating to,如we will supply the food, so you have nothing to worry about in this/that regard我们提供饭菜,关于这/那个方面无需担心,in this/that regard固定搭配表示关于这/那个方面,词组in/with regard to也十分常用,如I have a question with regard to your last statement关于你上个声明我有个问题[=in regard to ...][=regarding ...][=as regards ...],论文中with regard to很常用,一般缩写为w.r.t.)
respect: implies a considered evaluation or estimation as the basis of recognition of worth: after many years they came to ~ her views. with respect to表示关于=with regard to意思完全相同,因此论文中的w.r.t也可表示with respect to consider泛指考虑to give thought to,和regard一样一般需要修饰限定,considered经过考虑的,通常就充分了,因此译作充分的 estimate和evaluate都表示评估,estimate泛指,evaluate表示需要专业技能
esteem: implies a high valuation and a consequent warmth of feeling or attachment: no citizen of the town was more highly ~d. 如please accept this small gift as a token of our esteem小小礼物,聊表敬意(实际是尊重),请笑纳
admire: suggests a usually enthusiastic but uncritical appreciation and often deep affection: ~d the natural beauty of the scene. critical批判性,评论性,是指清晰准确地看问题,从而公平地评判to see a thing clearly and truly in order to judge or value it fairly,如a critical essay on modern drama现代戏曲评论
regard看待: 泛指看待,常需修饰限定,respect尊重: 表示尊重(recognition of worth承认价值)是基于充分评估,esteem尊重: 表示高度尊重,并怀有温暖的情感依恋,admire欣赏仰慕: 表示热情地欣赏爱慕
记忆方法: 1)首字母RREA重新排序成REAR养育<==尊重 "尊"的本义是一种"盛酒的礼器",酉与酒有关,这里表示酒杯,寸表示手,字形像手捧酒樽去进献,尊是古代祭祀时的重要礼器,使用时被特别重视,因此引申出"尊重"的意思,就是"重视而恭敬地对待",如尊贵尊敬尊称尊姓令尊尊严,可作量词如三尊佛像定于一尊一尊大炮 "敬"和尊的区别是,敬强调"内心严肃",还没有达到"敬"的程度
2)尊重的意思是承认价值mean to recognize the worth of a person or thing. recognize认识认可承认